Yoga & Therapies
Keeping the balance between effort and relaxation, physical and mental activity, with the flow of basic sequence of postures that gradually increase flexibility in the spine and articulations, which at the same time tone muscles and invigorate the body in general.
An excellent opportunity to disconnect from the frenetic activity of daily life and let your speedometer return to 0 mph.Moving slowly through the poses allows you to explore your mind and body at a steady and natural tempo.
Works at the deepest levels on your body, heart and mind; is a really good practice when you are tired, over-stimulated, when your energy is too erratic, your mind overactive, whether you are craving for energy or you feel you have too much of it.
Through Pranayama (breathing exercises) the body becomes stronger and healthier. The face acquires a certain glow, the voice becomes sweeter and melodic and one is able to listen to the inner sounds (anhata) with clarity. The nadis (energy channels) become purified and the mind focuses and prepares for dharana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation).
The state of meditation transcends all limits. In it there is no past or future, only awareness of the I AM in the eternal NOW. In a state of profound concentration one learns to quiet the mind, directing mental energy inward, toward owr true SELF.
Every time we practice Twin Heart Meditation, we pass divine love and divine peace to mother earth by blessing her. We bless the unhappy and sick. We bless the less fortunate. This way we are actually serving mankind. This generates good karma for us and we in return receive love and happiness.
Pranic Healing is a no touch healing therapy. The two basic principles of Pranic Healing are cleansing and energizing. Cleansing means removal of the diseased energy from the health aura and chakras and energizing means adding prana or life energy to the affected area.
A unique integration of Pranic ‘Energy’ Healing with Aroma Yoga Bliss. We will share a short introduction to chakra balancing and Pranic Healing. We will lead you through a relaxing basic yoga practice integrating both YIN and restorative poses.